Students of the Week

Congratulations to our CHS #StudentoftheWeek recipients! These are our "English Scholars" selected by the English Department. Help us celebrate Gloria, Ben, Gavin, and Hailee. ❤️Gloria Succio - Nominated by Mrs. Z-M

“Gloria goes above and beyond in her studies and is constantly striving to further her knowledge. She also does a fantastic job at contributing to class discussions. Gloria is always happy and willing to help out any peers in need and is a leader in class. Keep up the great work, Gloria!”

Ben Thompson and Gavin Thompson - Nominated by Mr. Backstrom
“They love and appreciate Shakespeare.”

Hailee Elven - Nominated by Mr. Boehm
“Ever since we have started reading "Hamlet", Hailee has focused on the material and asked questions about the text. As we are starting this material, this is a perfect time to announce Hailee as the English Scholar of the week. Keep up the good work, Hailee!”

Way to go, #ChisholmBluestreaks!